Irene Samanta
Dr. Irene Samanta is an Associate Professor in the Department of Business Admini-stration, University of West Attica. She is associate Director in M.Sc. International Business Management Programme. Irene Samanta obtained Ph.D. thesis from the University of the West of Scotland (UK) with tittled “Modelling the relationships in B2B firms under e-marketing practices: Moving from the traditional Business envi-ronment in the innovative e-commerce. The case of Greek firms” M.Sc. in Interna-tional Marketing from University of Paisley (UK). Her main research interests are in the areas of marketing, e-relationships, e-marketing, international marketing and re-search methods. She has supervised a number of M.Sc. Dissertations and PhD thesis.
She is member of the editorial board of scientific journals, International Conferences and book chapters.
She participates as Researcher in the following Projects “Analysis of the factors af-fecting e-customer satisfaction”, “Internal Marketing in Banking Sector” and “Iinvestigation of expertise in education” financed by European projects, Archimedes I and Archimedes II. Regarding her publication track record, she has published one Monography in Lampert Publishing Company Germany and she is Editor of a Chapter Book and co-Editor in a scientific journal. She is author or co-author of several re-search papers in various scientific journals, chapter-books, conference proceedings, and several articles in commercial journals of Commercial and Industry Chamber of Piraeus. She is co-author of eight text books.