Our Vision
The world is rapidly changing before our own eyes. After all, the world, as a living thing, is expected to change and grow constantly! Part of the changes that we have been experiencing over the last 30 years in our everyday living are due to the evolution of digital technologies. Digital technologies have been embraced by our societies and organizations at an accelerating pace for the sake of higher profitability. In proof of that, our time is called the “Digital Age”. In fact, most businesses today are aware of the “go digital or die” impact and are engaged in major efforts of digital transformation.
However, despite the extensive efforts by economies and corporations to take advantage of the digital transformation benefits, only few have successfully managed such digitalization process. Digital transformation is in reality, what we call business transformation. It changes not only the way businesses operate and make profits (business model & operations) but also the way customers behave and experience goods and services. Moreover, it seems that successful companies rely mostly on strategy, not technology, in order to drive their digital transformation efforts and deliver customer value.
Based on recent research and best practices, we have concluded that a company’s ability to digitally re-imagine its business model is driven by a clear strategy along with an organizational culture that embraces change and innovation. iLEADS Lab aims to help businesses understand better their needs in terms of digital transformation and thereby design the right digital strategy and business models which can then offer solutions to their customers and suppliers. We develop customized strategy services through extensive research & training to help businesses understand what issues need to be solved and what actions they need to take in order to capitalize on digital transformation activities and remain relevant in the future ahead.
We use 3 dimensions to analyze digital transformation needs and generate value for the customer and the organization:
• Customer Experience & Delight
• Operational Excellence
• New Business Model & Innovation