Zacharias Dermatis
Zacharias Dermatis (1975-) holds a PhD in Health Informatics. He is also a member of the Workshops for Sustainable Development and Entrepreneurship of Digital Health and Health Economics Applications (DigiTHEA Lab) of the University of Peloponnese.
He holds a postgraduate degree in Theoretical Computer Science of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Peloponnese. He is a graduate of the School of Electrical Engineering of Piraeus Higher Technological Education Institute.
Zacharias Dermatis has extensive experience in e-learning software (eclass, moodle and big blue button) and entrepreneurship. Through his research he has gained experience in the following areas: Health Information Systems, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications in Health and Tourism, Databases, Data Digitization, Statistical Analysis and Electronic Questionnaires.
He has published five book chapters, thirteen journal articles and more than fifty conference papers, and made presentations at many International, European and Greek conferences. Z. Dermatis is on the editorial board of The Journal of Clinical and Medical Science. Among others, he has won (with Prof. Panagiotis Liargovas) the 1rd Prize of the 10th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Regional Development (ICEIRD 2017).
Zacharias Dermatis is a member of the teaching staff in the Department of Economics, University of Peloponnese.